Monday, 30 January 2012


Hey Jammers,

Have someone in mind? A Scammer? A Hacker? A Cheater? A Blogger? Or A Rarer? Hmm? If You do, comment below! Thanks for helping!!


  1. Lalala1212 Is A Scammer, can you please add her?

    1. chrism1001 smammed my bow and arrow and my rare mech wings please add him

    2. Kate8055 scammed my Christmas items. Like, all of them. (Long story) report her.

    3. kitkat833 scamed me of my top hat and somw thing else and then he gave the stuff back and then hacked me ik because the sent me a skark plushie saying "hope you like your only rare" and I said i would call aj he gave the stuff back though i called aj still :3

    4. Someone scammed my phoneix leg armor,her user is shawna11 please report her!

    5. Report recycledbeards. he is a big scammer. he is fman 122. becarfull cuz ppl act like him

    6. recycledbeards is nice now. I converted him.he does giveaways.

    7. add binx724 and binx3704 they both are same ppl the scammed me. and jjjana is rare she has 6 or 7 rares 2 worns and 3 member items plz add her too

    8. I have around 15 or more rares plus 7+ beta stuff -3-


    9. Me too I have a orange beta beard

    10. superpuppy7852 scammed my rare yellow spike i got in the lucky clover mission

    11. fman122 tried to hack me 4 times and faileed

  2. Yes, lalala12 is a scammer as anonymous said!!! I agree ;)

    1. I saw in crysle sands Somebody wanted to be mean.I dont why..But Her Username is Webkinzworld471. Can you please add her?

    2. he did sacm he scamed 5 rare bows and 6 spke collars =C


    4. well fman122 is more like a hacker not a scammer its ok it get confused a lot XD

    5. Princess638 is famous she was once on epic dens she has a lot of rares and her buddy list is full alot of ppl know her lolz
      She has a RARE SPIKE and a NON RARE SPIKE and worns and designer skirt and rares she used to have a pink headdress

  3. Yes Bigcatsforever

  4. Hey i have a blog does that make me a blogger?

    Its called Sparkykat38's Animal Jam Splash

  5. btw who is this person Anonymous?

    I see him/her everwhere!!!

    1. @Sparkykat38

      Anonymous is a blogger name for someone who doesn't have a blogger account. The reason that there are anonymous's everywhere is because lots of people comment on blogs but they do not have a blog account. So yea...

      - QAZAR

    2. Oh God I hate scammers,My golden legend got scammed by TrueBlue02

    3. Rumours say that Fman122 is in jail ...

  6. gemdrop, clemmy104, agt2000, thundercatsrock, MELIA51568 and CJ25 are famous Clan people.

    1. clemmy 104 and agt2000 are awesome im blueclaw of swiftclan, and im famous too no one has not fought me =D

    2. Julian2 is a scammers and a hacker that's why he has so many good rarest I hate him he makes me so mad how does how does he sleep at night!!!!!!

    3. are you that retarded?WATCH HIS MAILTIMES YA IDIOT.

    4. hey be nice ok I myself don't like him but other ppl do so be respectful ok your being a meanie yourself!
      ps. he has quit making vids. im happy and sad XD

  7. Sorry I forgot- gemdrop: famous warrior of CJ25's StormClan known as Ivyfern or Bluepaw
    clemmy104: Past WindClan camp owner, known as Cloverheart
    agt2000: known as Briarfur or Hollystar, very popular for her ambitions
    tundercatsrock: epicness =p, known as Fangs or Blaze
    MELIA51568: second ThunderClan leader, after madjaster
    CJ25: Orginal creator of the first StormClan

  8. I have a few scammers:

    Slimshady100, Silverstein, and loopy07666

  9. There is a Scammer I know of- used to know of called DARK STAR2.He was banished, but he was the best and most well known Scammer. He was a member.

  10. Wolfpaw90 scammed my light blue fox hat

  11. Oh how I wish I was a famous Jammer! I'm Skywing49 former leader of Magicclan and Skyclan and former deputy of Shadowclan. If any of you know burned I came up short on defeating him in battle but I actually almost won. Right now burned is my buddy. I don't know why but he quit! I can't believe it! Why burned why? Anyway, point being, isn't that enough? What can I do more to become a famous Jammer? Someone PLEASE tell me!

    1. I don't know either. He was my "guy" Aka my boyfriend many times. He dumped me and quit. Thats all I know.
      I miss him. :(

    2. Oh by the way, My username is Hbopper
      Be free to add me anytime.

  12. BTW I made this chat blog called Animal Jam Maniac (created by Skywing49)! Everyone go check it out!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Someone! HELP ME!!!! My account was hacked! Please catch the hacker and get my favorite account back! It also has membership, but it is not JUST membership! I got the membership for my birthday! Please help me! It's user is Skywing49, and my backup user is Mythicwing49! Tell me anything you spot! Please I want my birthday gift and account back!

    1. alright me try to help you this is rileykkss m me maybe could help ok?

  15. Yes it's me again! BUT I met a supercool jammer that is madjaster's AND Mira's daughter! And I'm friends with her in real life! Her user is wizardawsome! PLZ say something about her!
    ~Skywing49 (now Mythicwing49 DX)

  16. Add Sophiegtvv shes kind of a scammer.

  17. Sealwuver is such a witty scammer. She uses all tactics she learns and she always gets the rares she is after. But she is after nm bat wings and is getting more and more rares by the day. She even has a purple worn and scary cat hat!

    Add her and put her on your blog

    1. yea i saw sealwuver once and she got a worn off someone she was doing it at her den she is sooooo mean she logged of beware of her people

      u got 2 love snow!

  18. Maybe ArcticDream? She is a blogger and she is pretty awesome!

  19. I know some people that scammed me. I've been scammed 8 times but I don't remember most.

  20. a blogger eternalclaw shes rare but she doesnt like showing rares off like other jammers anyway, she owns animal jam journal and shes random but a tomboy and shes not very popular im her friend and her past usernames are yowazup and randommaniac and she also owns other quitted aj blogs if you show her ur doing me a big favour and im proud that shes nice and a blogger
    and she started blogging on i think fourth of july on :)

    but her current open and active blog is animal jam


  21. I got two scammers,
    I caught both on video! :D its on youtube.
    my name is Sparklesunnyflower and my username is shinymewgal

  22. wackyduck55 is a scammer.

  23. i know a couple of scammers that i screenshoted the users. swimmy87622 & jijoelmm. also i know a number of rude people; reportme101, chipball1, chipball,
    fourlions, nanette, johanna1998 (scammer not rude), camryn57811, tyshar (also a scammer but hes rude), eastonbaggett, zeth900, scorn103, homefree, & awesomeman0901. WOW THATS A LOT. thank zios i let all that out ^-^

  24. I got someone!
    User name: FireTigerx
    Stat: Member, and comes on at least twice a week!
    History: She is known for her blog, the animal jam scammer watch! She catches scammers, and puts them on her blog! Her blog is:
    More info: One of her friends are XXMeepX.

    1. It's XXMeepXX. Mistake. :C


    3. U no 96320? She gave me a beta tail when I was scammed by xxlpsnorthernrocks

  25. Search up goddessofgold she joined just got memebrship and she has 4 bows, 2 fireplaces, and alot of rares. She's really nice buddy her!!!! And she has a RASPBERRY BOW!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. henden is a scammer! Ive seen him scam, fonders hats, spikes(long ones) top hats and much much more. go to youtube and search up" animal jam scammers henden" he scammed my long blue spike!!!
    ~kkloy2(my user btw)

  28. goddessofgold just got a 2nd raspberry bow! but she lost her fox hat...add her! rlly nice girl!

  29. animalcrazy1313 is a scammer she scammed my bow, well everything i had cause she hacked my account!

  30. Najee77 is a scammer and hacker I got hacked and scammed ny her twice on 2 different profilea

  31. Well do I have some news 4 you!! Totalgossip1o1 attepted to scam my spike collar, worn, legend, and my top hat.

  32. Oh yea I saw a wolf with Freedom Wings and more! I manage to click her animal card and the user was "Anetta". She could be a rare jammer!

    1. And someone was attempting to scam her but she knew what was going on and yelled "SCAM!" out loud. After that,she told people who was the scammer (i forgot) and told everyone to avoid the scammer by offering some tips.

  33. You should add me on ur blog my user ish XxdarkehxX cuz im rare x3

  34. Kielessa

    Why/Pages: Famous Clan People, Famous Jammers, Famous Bloggers

    Status: Sometimes a member and sometimes a Nonmember

    History: Joined in Beta

    Facts: She is very random and friendly, she is a really big animal lover too.

    Her Blog:

  35. theres this wolf with a huge pack or clan. they all look the same except for the leader,anetta. i dont think anyone knows her, but i do think she should be a rare jammer. shes kind and sweet too!

  36. IhaveRares is a hacker and a scammer and a cheater. May you please add him in your blog? Also, I request everyone to report him for scamming. He hacked me in my old account. I was very rare and was going to get famous until he hacked me. Thank you.


  37. I love your blog! ^-^
    Would you like to be an author on my blog? .-.

    I hope you'll join the Safari team! :D


  38. um gemdrop is a rarer she has a ton of rares please add her

  39. flowerrock123 scammed my fox hat and pawprint54321 scammed my rare heart locket

  40. sharpenerpuppy scammed my giant croc plushie and my purple curved couch!!!

  41. kaykaylak1234 scammed 6 bows from 3 people. Including me she's very mean, so can you add her on the bullies list?

  42. Mister ChunkyBuddy he is not a blogger scammer or hacker. He i just theyre following practically every animal jam blog under the sun.

  43. ya ik a blogger bellxsong her nickname is bellsong (no x) she has my favorite regular blog and there isn't any traps because of mean ppl

  44. oh yeah and me got a scammer too. me dontnremember name but sure she a girl though.
    oh and this isnrileykkss

  45. dude visualeffects is not a scammer he is one of the rarest ppl on the game! take him off the scammer list and add on snowburn and jammer956! put visual in rare jammers and snowburn and jammer956 in scammers!

  46. ArcticWolf2012 took my pirate sword and my bat wings(rare!)so please add this jerk!

  47. Hi guys if you want a lot of rares for a spike of any kind look me up and tell me why you jam-a.gramed me and I will be right ove-- howlercan

  48. xXArcticstarXx hacked Lilygreenblue. You can even EMAIL her at for proof!

  49. Add Frozendarkicedevil to the famous blogger list and the famous clanners list!
    Frozen is in many clans, and made a lot of clans.
    ICECLAN- Her former clan, was soon stolen by someone else
    FREEZECLAN- Had a lack of warriors so it shut down
    SHADOWCLAN- Best clan she has, is leader along with 2 other people.
    And anyway, why should she be added? Because...
    SHE BEAT THUNDERCLAN!!! Madjaster's TC!!!
    She is part of as a warrior of:
    AND NOW FOR HER BLOGS: She owns about 6 blogs!! ^_^

  50. Guineapugs and Jammer956.

  51. deadmanschest2 - took my medusa mask and eyeball
    rbkoenes - took my mummy glove
    lisa12450 - took my rare freedom bands

  52. RW1999 scammed my fireplace, 2 freedom plushies of mine and a freedom firework. Please add her.

    1. Why she'll scam u or something

  53. Of course, you all know who scammed me and one point in time. <3, Julian2

  54. jasmine8888 is a scammer

  55. Fman122 the virus kinda like a hacker so beware jammers

  56. Dear Bloggers/Jammers,
    I know you guys think that the hackers hack you, but they don't! They download this program and puts in your username and clicks "generate" to get your password. Also, someone else gets on your account and takes all your stuff! So beware Jammers. There are Hackers...EVERYWHERE YOU GO IN JAMAA.....Lurking....Finding....Who to hack next....Jammers....CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD! HOPE THIS HELPED >=3

  57. hbopper stfu you act like you know burned but u actually dont xD

  58. ik famous clanners! xxunforggetablexx was burned's bro. he quit roleplaying and his long blue spike got hacked so he doesnt rlly have cool looks anymore

  59. I'm pretty famous :x -swaglikebeadles

  60. I got scam two times in animal jam my first thing that they scam me was my phoenix armro I had all of it but I did not had the tail phoenix armor my other scam was was something for a fox hat the guy who scam me said trade me all your rates for the rare freedom mask and I'll give you the fox hat so I did then he said wait here then he never came back to give me the fox hat

  61. Imbackfor2014. And. Ihavebigplans. THEY ARE FMAN122 REPORT AND BLOCK THEM!!!

  62. dvn546 is a rarer, I think she has a rare spike collar, she wears a top hat, and she has this rare pink tail armor, she always has this glove on....

  63. Could you make a post about Panncakess? I think she's a hacker; for more info on her hacking, check out the Animal Jam Whip. ( Thank you!

  64. what about fman122

  65. fman send me a gift before

  66. warning don't open it will send you a virus and he will hack in your whole computer maybe

  67. also add jammer956 for scammers she scammed julian2 almost I don't know like 20 I think

  68. Grandmacorinne is dep of my clan, shes becoming epicly famous..

  69. U forgot to add grandmacorinne as a clanner Xd

  70. A rare person is hollmad. I heard her/him is doing a rare scull hat in a couple days. I also heard she/him is going to make a blog! please add her/ him. I also like her/him because "it" put both boy and girls animals so you don't know if "its" a girl or boy!

    1. I mean rare shull hat give away in a couple days opps XD

    2. i actually heard of grandmacorinne but no hollmad

  71. Hi i'm howlercan and i am trying yo trade rareblack and white lionfish fins, black worn rare magic mirror and rsre arctic coat for non rare headdredd plz jg me if deal

  72. Kat5353 scammed all my. Items except for a small turtle plushie. Also I have a pretty good clan den I'm rooney625

  73. Thelosttower is a scammer she scammed my headdress. And I saw that she scammed more people i think that she uses a program or something to create fake items to trade. I traded her one short spike collar,they were black and one long spike wrist blue. I didnt had the headdress and she got off. Thats how she scammed me and she scammed WootMoo .

  74. I cannot believe this, my husband is back, i am grateful to see my husband returned with full force, Mr Robinson made this miracle to happen, Happiness has come to me at last, I am very pleased to say things are going well, I truly believe this spell has made difference in my relationship, Mr Robinson is truly gifted, I will recommend to anybody who's looking for a serious spell caster to cast a love spell him or her should contact this email robinsonbuckler@yahoo. com or call Mr Robinson + 19715126745, he wont disappointed you if you ask him to help you. All I want to say is that this spell caster MADE MY DREAMS COME TRUE.
    Anna Giovanniu

  75. Um, can you put me as a rarer? o,o''''' I know I'm not rare compared to a lot of other people, but, um, yea, thanks. My user is fairypaw if u want to check me out, and I have a genuine ok trade list!!!
    I'd be really grateful if I could make it on here!!

  76. I know a REALLY rare Jammer. She is my buddy and her user is Trebel. Check her trade list when she's on, it's full of founders hat and other super rare items! Nope im not jk, search her for proof.


    1. She also started in the beta days and gave me a rare short wrist XD (it was pink though...)

    2. ~Sillysmartxp. ^^^^

  77. Itzellya is a friend that i keep thinking about cuz she traded rare light blue fox hat for common necklace for me. She is nice. And she somehow convinced julian 2 to add me

  78. plz add princesscutegirl515 sh scammed my 3 rares 1 spkie 1 birthday hat and my bow thx bai

  79. kij0 is a great jammer with lots of stuff, while anjelinajolly is a scammer

  80. munchie15505 is a rarer and kinda beta

  81. Kat188 has rares (and some betas), is super nice, and is friends with you tubers like Bellamia123

  82. There used to be this huge scammer by the name of, Capone24 i think she changed her user after i buddied her followed her around and pointed out that she was scamming, the usual scam where said person goes around saying best trade wins spike etc. thats what she did with s spike going around to different worlds doing the same thing i followed her until i got sick of her and told her to stop she sent me a note that said your next

  83. Report sillyfabcat! She tried to scam me off my worn. She said she wanted to try it on, but when I said no, she threatened to ban me and tell her mom (who she said was the head of AJHQ) to erase my character.Link of photos here:

  84. spikesnpancakes is a hacker. plz haunt her with messages saying "Give back cat's stuff now you ever took." if not please gift catimonntheawesomest. it may seem like she's a hacker but she's not. She lost 13 spiked collars, a bunch of otter plushies 6 spiked wrists a whole lot of betas and rares and me Jea724 has to cover them the best i can but she is still being hacked. plz help us

  85. Myplainoldlife was a BIG time scammer. And when I say big, I mean a HUGE scammer. If you played back before the trading update, there was a hack called "AutoAccept or AcceptAssist." Myplainoldlife was wearing a LPHD, White beta tail, beta blanket, black long and black long wrist. "BEST FL2828SH WINS MY OUTFIT!" I did my green short collar which was my best item back in the day. She declined, I felt safe. Then I added my royal garden, a worn and a den beta. I flashed it for like, a second. Guess what? Trade Done~ you got: Necklace! Thank god this hack is out of the game now ^-^

  86. ok here are some meimeilove Delaney100
    i was scammed by both

  87. I do have someone in mind and her name is Sweet Bunny

  88. Her and her friends r great at blogging

  89. Ok, so this was like; a month or 2 ago
    Someone (member, I don't remember user)
    tried to scam me by asking me: Do you want your pets dressed up? I had 3 rare pets. I said no. Wanna know what they said? I WILL REPORT YOU!! I mean, who does that! The only ppl I trust to do that are my bffs. Jammers, if someone tries to do that, SAY NO!

  90. clivingwater28 is a hacker. We where good buddies then it showed me the log in world error page. When I got back on, my mech angle wings and pig trophy where gone! I didn't supect it was her. But then I was on AJ again. She was on but not with me. My speech was acting up for half an hour. My mom logged on and found my speech was bubble chat. A login battle happened on the parent dashboard. Then Clivingwater28 came to my den and did the laughing emote. I transfered my stuff to an account on another parent dashboard and never went onto the hacked account again-

  91. journeybacktome02 is a scammer. She scammed my pet fireflies and she has many other rare pets (which she/he most likely scammed)

  92. I have two people, this first is mlgmonkey101 he is a hacker and scammer and the more recent person is maryboys she had scammed me and hacked someone else.

  93. I got hacked from my light up flower ring and rare purple cupid wings and rare brown bow and arrows.


  94. Froggieday is a scammer she took my friends rates and someones rare fox hat

  95. littlecuteflower22 hacked me and took my first ever rare spike, fox hat, shark tail, and headdress. Please add her!

  96. I used to be a scammer and sort of a hacker. My user was Bigmac215. I would tell people to send me rares to teach them a glitch then just leave and eventually trade those for better ones, make people trade me more than what my rare was worth, and stole some stuff with flash trading. The "backing" part was i would basically steal non member accounts. They changed the rules because of me. Back in 2012-2013 all you needed to change the password to a non member account was the email used on the account and their birthday, which were both easily obtainable when you befriend someone. So thats what i did. Befriend non members that were decently rare, eventually get their email, change their password and send all their rares to my member account. Eventually became pretty rare and befriended VisualEffects, Allygator2012, Silver101, etc. It all turned sour when Silver and somebody else were talking crap on Visual and i tried to be a good friend and tell him, but he sided with them and made like a hate party towards me. It actually devastated me at the time seeing as though i was a kid and that was like my only life. I eventually gave all "my" rares away and quit... I feel bad for all the people i hurt and i feel bad for the way my friendships ended on there.. 7 years later and i feel bad.
