Sunday, 29 January 2012


Hello Jammers,

  Here is Golden8916230's information profile.

Username: Golden8916230

Stat: He is a member, and comes on 2 days

History: He says he is a boy but then said he is a sister, and has a sister (info from kerriecat)

Facts: He is ugly and rude!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How is he ugly?

    1. he can just change him self why do i bother to read this blog?

  2. To the owner of this blog,Woah Woah Woah...Every single word I hear is just a sick lie. Your just some random jerk who owns this rubbish blog full of lies. This is'nt nice or kind is it!? How would you like it if somebody did this to you!? Would you like it? This is not not fair or right! You own this rubbish blog with your rubbish brain! You just here these stupid lies from your dumb friends telling you these lies.-Dragontigerwolf26790 P.S-Do not report me because this is a real good thing to say people!

    1. Me and Howlerdue and forevernice has changed our mood! We like helping Others. And love partying in Aj's partys (Like play wild and Heatwave party) Don't report or ignore dragontigerwolf26790! She's A good 1 and loves hanging out with me and other jammers! Us 4 are not Ugly, Neither rude.So please Dont say were scammers!!!-golden8916230

    2. By the way it was Howlerdude not Howlerdue! Sorryz...By the way Where its rude and so theres a space heh heh X3 -golden8916230

    3. By the way i changed my look. So heres something funny :3 Look at my real look on aj then this 1, Real 1 ,This 1 XD!!!By the ways My tiger Is my normal animal!-Golden8916230 Or Golden hearted as i like being called.Party kat is how dragontigerwolf26790 likes to be called. IM GONNAZ GETZ A BLOG. Oops.. >=3

    4. you guys just shut up dont post bad comments its HER opinion and i read your blog every day and love it you guys sure we all have opinions and there all different and we have the freedom of speech your gonna say "so yeah that means i can say what i want" but no thats just rude and not what that right means -.- to shut up and go fall down a hole i dont care -.- - XxpeetaloverxX


  3. You know Anonymous is right! beacuse I just lost my friend and he is Golden8916230! and I'm now very very VERY sad D-:<

    1. Did you delete me or did i delete you? i can add you back again if you want! I Hope your not against me!! It may be a glitch or something.. But belive me i do not delete My Nice freinds, Forevernice,Kerriecat,Fluffytiger2k,Dragontigerwolf26790(party kat Kangarro is her User she wants insted of Partykat) Ext..Tell me your user and you can add me back... Im being so boastful DX.<_< Golden8916230 (Goldenhearted)

  4. OMG! Taliya! Stop saying that people are rude! 1st you don't know them in real life to call them ''Rude'' or ''ugly''...It's like to say you're Ugly! Ha!! Take that you pink Top ugly Hat! 0.0
    Just-just stop saying that to everyone! I'm more old then you & btw i know what means rude! -.-
    It means not like YOU! What the hell you want to say! If you wanna say something then SAY It!
    You're more then rude!'
    Stop it! :@@@


    P.S. Stop saying that Howlerude, golden8916230, Luv2PlayAJ and others! This is just not True! First you don't know them in real and 2nd...You don't know me in real so you can't tell am i ugly or not!
    I'm cheerleader and really famouse at my school! -.- Shish!!

    1. Oops...I mean Howlerdude :D <3

    2. Thanks Forever nice!!! Your da best! By the wayz Your Youtube account is awesome!!! I check if you make new videos all the time!! Thanks for being my Freind,Goldenhearted (Golden8916230)

    3. By the way Thanks Kerrie cat for standing up for me, Anyways... What did i do!? Just argueing with Moosab and Taliya SEORISLY!!!!I thinkpeople just want them cuz there rares or something like That XP Moveing on... Any ideas of What "Bad deeds"I done? ANY!!! Please Say on comments here!!! IM NOT A SCAMMER!!!!-Golden hearted (Golden8916230)

    4. To all those saying that this is Taliya or Moosab, I don't think it's them because this person doesn't type like them and she said she was wolfgirl something.

    5. Taliya can post whatever she wants, and its not like you can stop her SHEESH TO YOU!! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW SPELL SHEESH!!

  5. By the wayz.. Why is Moosab and Taliya So Populer again, There blog, There rares? Anymore resons?-Golden hearted (Golden8916230)

  6. You're pretty welcome and OMD thank you! :D
    By the way...M & T are not so famouse anymore, because they lie and people don't believe them :l

    P.S You're such a good friend golden :) ^^

  7. Why am i here? lol im checking out everybodies profile! And btw spappers12, stallion1 and pizzadrop are not scammers! You mean and ungrateful person who put that there! anyways, where was i? oh yeah, i Tell Moosab that i accidenlt deleted her and i don't think she noticed...:/ Please put littlehappystar on aswell because she is a really good friend and has TONS of rares, belive me >_>! Please put suitelife99 as a scammer, she holy chihuahua scammed me...This is like some chat thing...(how many times did i do this : ...?) Byeez!

    - The Random Girl (also known as Animalstar1589) :D

  8. What the nuggets is Please Prove Your're Not A Robot? Thats pretty random if you ask me... Yay i made a new wolf! (Wretched Articclaws)

    - The Random Girl (also known as Animalstar1589) P.S. My blog is finally finsished!
